Understanding the Threat: Supply Chain Attacks

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, organizations face a multitude of cybersecurity threats, with supply chain attacks emerging as a particularly insidious and pervasive danger. As recent high-profile incidents have demonstrated, attackers are increasingly targeting the supply chain as a means to infiltrate and compromise even the most well-defended organizations. Supply chain attacks are a major … Continue reading Understanding the Threat: Supply Chain Attacks

Secure your Online Accounts with Strong Passwords and 2FA

A 2020’s survey by “Digital Guardian”, reveals that an average person “owns” a few dozens of online accounts. Therefore, they have to maintain these online accounts and usually remember, numerous passwords for social media, online shopping, financial and email accounts. Weak Passwords People usually use weak passwords or even the same password across various platforms … Continue reading Secure your Online Accounts with Strong Passwords and 2FA